Tag Archives: Daintree Rainforest

See Crocodiles Safely, in the Daintree National Park.

DAINTREE NATIONAL PARK is definitely home to many CROCODILES.    Read on to find out where are the safest places to see crocodiles in the wild. Stick to the plan and you wont get eaten! 

Well you might just be lucky to see a croc in the Daintree River when you are on the Daintree ferry,  from the safety of your car window. This is probably the safest way to see a croc in the Daintree National Park.

The Daintree river has a large population of salt water crocodiles and they  swim past the ferry almost every day.

Did you know that crocs are masters of camouflage? They can easily be mistaken for a log floating down the river, or a pile of lumpy mud on the river bank, or just a pair of eyeballs peaking from the muddy water. Occasionally you will spot a croc basking on one of the many coconut lined beaches on the Daintree Coast. Or they will cruise on by, in the shallows of the Coral Sea, with their powerful tails pumping side to side.

Crocodiles are also the masters of ambush too, meaning they can launch upward from the water, at their unsuspecting prey, without ever being detected. Boom! The powerful jaws clamp down to claim the feed. They say that the crocs you don’t see, are the ones you should be most wary of.


  • Always obey crocodile warning signs.
  • Never swim where crocodiles may be present, even if you don’t see any signs.
  • Look out for crocodile slide marks on the bank and stay well away from them.
  • When fishing, always stand a few metres back from the water’s edge and never clean fish or discard scraps near the water’s edge.
  • Don’t dangle arms or legs out of a boat. If you fall out, get back in as quickly and calmly as possible.
  • Never provoke or attack crocodiles and do not feed them or leave food out for them.
  • Camp at least 50m from the edge of the water and 2m above the high-water mark. Don’t leave any food scraps at your campsite and don’t prepare food or wash dishes at the water’s edge.

The best way to see crocodiles safely is on a Croc Cruise

To understand more about these amazing prehistoric creatures, you can book on one of  the Daintree Rainforest crocodile cruises. These tours are definitely a safe way to see crocodiles. But, in the Daintree you wont find any tours operators feeding crocodiles or poking them with sticks.

The Daintree Crocodiles are truly wild, and the operators are extremely experienced and passionate about crocodiles. They have a wealth of knowledge about the habits and routines of the crocodiles who inhabit these Daintree waterways.

Tours mostly run for just one or two hours and are affordable and safe for families, too.

Daintree Rainforest Croc Country
Cape Trib Wilderness Cruise runs on Coopers Creek in the very heart of the Daintree Rainforest, a favorite habitat for salt water crocodiles.

Four of the Best Guided Croc Spotting Cruises on the Daintree River.


But wait! There is only one crocodile spotting tour licenced to operate within the Daintree National Park itself.

While we think all of the Daintree River tours are awesome, we love to recommend the Cape Trib Wilderness Cruise. The guide has been hosting tours in search of the estuarine crocodile, on Coopers Creek in the heart of the rainforest, for over 35 years. The tour runs 3 or four times a day in peak season and it is just a five minute drive from Daintree Rainforest Village.

The staff at Daintree Rainforest Village are happy to help you book any of these amazing wildlife tours, at no extra cost to you. Come and see us in the bright green shop on Cape Tribulation Road.

No, there are no crocodiles near the camp ground at Daintree Rainforest Village. Come and stay, you need more than a day! Book your camp site here.

And , remember, to safely see crocodiles in the Daintree National Park,  you need to STAY CROC WISE IN CROC COUNTRY. 

Stick to the plan and you wont get eaten!

Free Activities Camping With Kids in The Daintree- Updated 2025

There are plenty of FREE and FUN activities for kids to do while you are camping in the Daintree Rainforest. Here is your list of free activities for the kids of all ages to enjoy when you visit the Daintree.

These kids all camped at the Daintree Rainforest Village in tents and caravans and motorhomes.

You can too, just book here.

8 of the best FREE ACTIVITIES for kids who go camping in the Daintree Rainforest.

  1. Go Fishing off the rocks at Cow Bay Beach.  At both ends of the beach there are good rock shelves to fish from. There is an awesome swing from a coconut tree in the middle of the beach too. Don’t forget to be croc wise near the water! We got our  bait and ice creams from the Daintree Rainforest Village shop. 
  2. We felt like explorers when we found the trail to Emmagen Creek waterhole. It’s a winding bush trail to find it, and it is a challenging climb over tree roots to get into the water hole. Its a bit of a scramble, but great fun. There are often cassowaries on that trail. Since the cyclone there has been a croc down towards the mouth of the creek.
  3. Take your bike for a spin down the dirt side roads.  We spotted cassowaries with little chicks one day. There was heaps of Casso poop all down the road, so they must go there a lot! The poop is full of rainforest seeds, so the forest will keep regenerating.
  4. Go to the FREE  Madjaa boardwalk. It is a mangrove forest and kind of creepy and mysterious. We found Peppermint Stick Insects in there, who squirt a peppermint liquid from their collar, when they feel threatened. And we carefully  scanned the giant billabong for crocodiles.
  5. Go Hiking on the 3k trail circuit around Jindalba.  We were on the hunt for tree kangaroos, and saw them high up in the canopy. You can spot them by looking for a long bushy tail hanging from a high branch. Sometimes they come down to the ground, if you are lucky.
  6. Take some goggles to  Mason’s swimming hole   and spy on all the tiny rainbow  fish, the cheeky archer fish will come right to you. Plus there are wild turtles and a tree swing! This swimming hole is long enough to do laps! Flip them a few golds coins to enter. And they make Crocodile burgers at the nearby cafe!
  7. Building a cool beach shack with palm fronds and driftwood on Thornton Beach… with jungle covered mountains and misty forests as the back drop, you will feel like the only person in the world, just walking along an isolated beach, in the middle of the worlds oldest living rainforest… very Robinson Crusoe.
  8. Getting the fire pit fully charged up at the camp ground each night.
    Daintree Camping Fire Pit
    Our favorite thing at the Daintree Rainforest Village was getting the fire fully charged up at night.

    The firewood was provided for free and we bought marshmallows from the servo shop. Go full screen on the video.

    So now you see what the  ACTIVITIES are for Camping with Kids  in the Daintree Rainforest, you will have to come and stay.  Bookings are advised, particularly in school holidays. Kids 5 to 17 years are $10 each. Under 5’s are free. Come and Stay, you need more than a day.

Find the Cheapest Camping in the Daintree Rainforest 2023 (UPDATED)

Which camp ground is the cheapest in the Daintree Rainforest?

Here is your guide to find the cheapest camps sites in the Daintree Rainforest. Are you travelling to the Daintree  on a tight budget, or just want to save a few bucks? This  article shows you where to find the 3 least expensive places for your tent or caravan or campervan in the Rainforest. Compare the camp ground prices and facilities for yourself.

Just remember FREE CAMPING is prohibited in the Daintree National Park and may end up costing you more money in fines.

Read on to see just how cheap it is to camp in ze  jungle. Note from author PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

  1. CHEAPEST –  Noah Beach Camping Area; from $16. per night with a permit.Cheapest Camp in the Daintree Rainforest

Noah Beach Camp is on Cape Tribulation Road approximately 20 km north of the Ferry over the Daintree River.

Noah Beach has the cheapest camp sites in Daintree National Park starting $16 per night. You can pitch a tent beneath the forest canopy at Noah’s which is Cape Tribulation’s only National Park camping area.

Camping layout: separate numbered sites.
Site surface: sand or compacted tent pads.
Camp sites are suitable for: tent camping beside car; camper trailer and camper vans. Over hanging trees branches and tight turns mean you can’t bring caravans, buses and large or high top camper vans or motor homes here.
Facilities: a basic drop toilet is on site. No showers. No water. No rubbish bins. No camp kitchen. Strictly No Pets because it is within the National Park boundaries. Unreliable phone coverage.
Camping permits: Camping permits are required and fees apply. When you collect a permit tag, simply display the tag with your booking number at your camp site.

Park Alerts:

Essentials to bring: Because Noah’s is a basic National Park camp ground you will need to bring everything with you including drinking water, gas or fuel stove, rubbish bags and insect repellent. You must also take your rubbish out of the forest with you when you leave as Noah’s has no bins. Read more about things to know before you go.

Wet season: (January to April)  

Noah Beach camping area, Cape Tribulation, Daintree National Park will close for the wet season and re open subject to weather and road conditions.  Camp ground floods during heavy rain.


Daintree Rainforest Village Camp Ground; from $20 per person per night.

Cheap Camping in the Daintree Rainforest

Daintree Rainforest Village is on Cape Tribulation Road approximately 14 km north of the Daintree River Ferry crossing…which makes it the halfway point between the river and the Cape.

This camp ground is on the other end of the camping spectrum! It is not cheap like Noahs…

Instead it is lush and equipped and spectacularly beautiful! Amazing views over the rainforest and the mountains out the back. Fire circle, new laundry, spacious bathrooms, massive camp kitchen. It’s just a thing of beauty, known as Australia’s greenest camp ground. Read on.


This beautiful camp ground is surrounded by rainforest and central to all jungle activities and adventures.

Camping Layout; Separate and numbered sites are under shady trees, some out in the open sunshine and some up the hill for the privacy, the breezes and amazing views.

Site surface; Lawns and gravel.

Camp sites are suitable for; tents, swags, caravans, camper vans, motor homes and roof toppers. Some areas are restricted to 4 wheel drive vehicles only.

Facilities; Powered and unpowered sites, clean hot showers, awesome camp kitchen with fridge and free BBQs, abundant fresh drinking water, rubbish recycling, Optus phone coverage, pet friendly,  communal camp fire, tour desk, open spaces, tree swings, sunset views and well stocked and affordable convenience store and coin laundry on site. Fuel Station with ice, bait and gas bottle swap.

Park Alerts; Wild Cassowaries, wild dingos, goannas and butterflies frequent the park.  No crocodiles here.

Essentials to bring; Don’t worry – the shop has almost everything you need.

Wet Season;

Daintree Rainforest Village is open for camping all year round. This is the only camp ground to provide a sheltered sites option. You can set up your camp under a big  roof and sit outside while the rain pours down.

The on site shop is open from 7am to 6 pm seven days per week except on Christmas day.

What makes Daintree Rainforest Village unique?

The awesome mountain views and the sheltered sites.

SPECIAL DEAL…Stay 7 nights and only pay for 6.




Festival for Birds in the Daintree Rainforest

A Festival for birds and bird lovers.

The Daintree Rainforest of far north Queensland, Australia is a tropical feasting and breeding ground for endemic and migrating birds. That’s why birders  thrill at the variety of species living in this Wet Tropics region.

It’s not a real organised human festival here, but it sure sounds like one. Check out these brief videos to get a real sense of the feathered festivities.

Metallic Starlings

Metallic Starlings Festival in the Daintree
Image Credit Tims Australian Nature Pics

From September through March a large colony of Metallic Starlings nest right here in our campground. They return to the same Quandong tree every year and it sounds like one long party! Guests love the birdsong and the metallic starling antics crashing on from sunrise to sunset each day. Find out much, much more here. Numerous clutches are hatched throughout the season causing the numbers to increase dramatically. That’s why when the flock takes flight the sound is astonishing.

Daintree Rainforest Bird Watching
Image Credit Tims Australian Nature Pics

I have to acknowledge my gratitude for these splendorous images by the amazing Tim from TIMS AUSTRALIAN NATURE PICS . Tim is passionate about bird photography. Enjoy these!


Birds of the Daintree Rainforest

At the Daintree Rainforest Village  you can see a good range of the birds of the Wet Tropics region. Did you know that this region of far north Queensland, including the Great Barrier Reef Islands is home to  430 bird species , 13 of which are endemic.

At our camp ground in the Daintree Rainforest  mating pairs of Forest Kingfishers and Pacific Bazza are seen. At the right time of year, tick off the long  list of MUST SEE Australian birds. Double-Eyed Fig birds, Wompoo Pigeons, Yellow Breasted Sun birds,  Imperial Pigeon, Fruit Doves, Bush Stone Curlews, Lesser Sooty Owls, Orange Footed Scrub Fowl to name just a few. Oh and never forget the king of the jungle – the magnificent and prehistoric Cassowary. Cassowary FamilyThey all have their moments in our camp ground.

A World Heritage Listed Rainforest

The Daintree is the world’s oldest rainforest and because of this it became  World Heritage listed in 1988 so as to protect the ancient and magnificent biodiversity . Even though it takes up less than 0.1% of the whole country,  the Daintree Rainforest is home to over one third of Australian mammal species, 41% of our freshwater fish species and the majority of our butterfly species. With 3000 plant species it is not surprising that the Daintree is home to 20% of bird species too.

In fact, on the list of irreplaceable world heritage areas, Australia’s Daintree Rainforest comes 2nd out of 173,000.

The Pleasure of a Podcast

In conclusion, you can say that Metallic Starlings are always in festival mode. Want to hear a beautifully detailed and highly entertaining description of the Metallic Starlings of Daintree Rainforest?

Use the link to D’arcy of Daintree Podcast;  Metallic Starlings – Glittering Jetsetters.

Come camping in the tropics and Stay with us at Daintree Rainforest Village.

It takes more than a day to see the Daintree Rainforest.




Daintree Rainforest Daily Life. Part 1

Daintree Rainforest Daily Life.

Once upon a time, like today, there is a Little Red Post Box in Ze Jungle.Daintree Rainforest living day to day

Every day is fun and busy for the Little Red Post Box.

On Tuesday and Friday every week, Jack the Postman delivers all the people’s mail and parcels to the shop. He brings some newspapers for the people of Ze Jungle to read.Daintree Rainforest Daily Life
Jack collects the mail from the Little Red Post Box in Ze Jungle and takes it to the Big Smoke over the Misty Mountain and across the Crocodile River.

On Tuesday, every week, Dick the Big Blue Petrol Truck brings fuel for all the peoples generators and cars.
On Wednesday the Pie Man comes with all the yummy pies for the people who live in Ze Jungle.
On Thursday, the Ice Cream Truck comes with all kinds of chocolatee and vanillaree frozen treats for the good kids to eat.Daintree Daily living

Friday is fruit day, is everybody happy? Living in the Daintree RainforestNathan and Max, the Jack Russell, brings fresh fruit for the shop basket. Crazy 

Sometimes, if its raining real bad and the River gets in flood, the Jack and Dick and Pies and Ice Cream and Nathan and Max can’t get through.

The Giant White Lip Green Tree Frog likes it when it rains real bad. Daintree rainforest daily lifeHe hides inside the Little Red Post Box in Ze Jungle and waits to surprise the people with their letters and postcards and stamps and parcels….

Every day is fun and busy for the Little Red Post Box in Ze Jungle.

Geosirus, A New Daintree Rainforest Discovery.

Geosirus a pale and beautiful plant is newly discovered in the Daintree Rainforest of Far North Queensland.

The secrets of its continued existence are definitely worth reading if you have a fascination for all things humous and humorous.


Elizabeth Joyce, a Phd Candidate at James Cook University, Queensland, became very, shall we say intimate with Geosirus while visiting our steamy Australian rainforest. Joyce’s  has exposed a raunchy, some say scandalous, behavior among the Geosirus rhizomes, fungi and trees.

It all happens in the half light, under the soft and moist leaf beds of the rain forest floor.

See Elizabeth Joyce’s fascinating article about Geosirus, an early contender for 2019’s sexiest plant.

Discoveries in the Daintree

The steady current of new discoveries in the Daintree Rainforest is astounding. When you consider it has existed virtually unchanged for millions of years, its reasonable to think man would have found it all by now!

But no. This World Heritage listed national park continues to reveal a bounty of secrets to those who love to observe nature up close.

If you are ever fortunate enough to travel to this unique part of Australia, make sure to allow enough time.

Take your time to walk the trails, breath in the forest, dwell in the silence.

Discover more of your world.

Come and stay. You’ll need more than a day.